The Beauty of Yellow Marsh Marigold

The Beauty of Yellow Marsh Marigold

Caltha palustris (yellow marsh marigold), commonly known as the evening primrose, king's cup or marsh cup, is not a marigold but a member of the marigold family of buttercups that grow compactly and form mounds. It varies between 1 and 2 feet tall and wide, it produces clusters of showy golden flowers ranging in size from 1/2 to 1 1/2 inch wide in early spring. It grows in swampy and humid areas. Thrives in full sun or shade. The leaves contain protoanemonin, which is toxic. For people, pets and farm animals.1

Growing Conditions For Yellow Marigold

Here are the most common growing conditions important for growing yellow marigold Marsh marigold:

  • Sow the seeds in late autumn or early spring. 
  • Requires marshy water along ponds or swamps; Jack Constantly moist or humid soil.
  • Prefers rich, acidic soil.
  • Can grow in full sun or shade.
  • Plant them as you like, closer together greater than 60 cm.


  • This perennial blooms consistently in full sun to full sun. Shade, an unusual feature that most flowering plants need for water gardens full sun. For best results, set the orientation to south or west. Results.
  • In zones 6 to 7, these plants will appreciate a location with some shade in the afternoon. Protect the plant from extremely high temperatures; He it can flower well into summer and maintain healthy foliage.


  • Give this plant rich, moist or consistently moist, boggy soil or completely immersed in water. If you are planting in a rain garden, place it close Midpoint of the lowest point where it receives the most water.


  • Typically, this plant prefers slow-draining areas. Add a magnificent yellow aesthetic on the banks of the lagoons or among the nearby rocks Waterfalls, the marsh marigold is native to swamps, marshes, river banks, and wet prairies in Newfoundland and Alaska south to Nebraska, Tennessee and North Carolina. However, they can survive drought if they rest and return. The following year.

Temperature and Humidity

  • Swamp marigolds yellow is reliable in USDA zones 3 through 7. Summers are too hot or in places with direct sun, marsh marigold can die dormant after flowering. Wait for the foliage to wither and die and wait for it next spring fashion show.


  • As living wildflowers, marsh marigolds don't need much as a fertilizer, but in poor soil you may want to fertilize both first New growth and before first frost with general purpose fertilizer.

yellow marsh marigold

Types Of Marsh Marigolds

Ten species belong to the genus Caltha, separated by Northern and Southern Hemisphere groups. In addition to C. palustris, there are other common species Varieties include:

  • Western Marsh Marigold (Caltha leptosepala): also called White marsh marigold, the flowers are white; It has since originated in western North America. From Alaska to New Mexico, it grows in humid mountainous habitats in alpine and subalpine areas. Regions
  • Giant marsh daisies (Caltha polypetala): produce flowers about 5 cm in diameter; Native to Northern Europe and the Pacific. From northwestern Oregon to Alaska
  • Caltha sagittata: ivory to pale South American species yellow petals
  • Instructions can It can take about three years to grow yellow marsh marigolds from seed ripe and flowery.
  • Harvest the fruit from the plant when it finishes flowering. Period (late May or early June).
  • Leave the fruits to dry in a brown paper bag for two people weeks. The tiny seeds should emerge from the pods within two weeks. Seeds they are the size of a grain of salt.
  • Cold stratify the seeds for 60-90 days in a cool, humid place. The atmosphere. Use moist potting soil in a sealed container as a growing medium Refrigerator.
  • Lightly sprinkle the seeds into layers of potting soil and store. Moist until germination. The germination process can take between five and ten days.
  • To sow outdoors, scatter the seeds on bare soil in a moist location. Areas where plants should establish themselves. Consider planting swamp marigolds Seed in a rain garden that stays moist year-round.

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Yellow Marigold Overgrowth

  • One of the most significant problems with this plant is the following while it is not technically considered invasive (since it is a native plant), it is can invade an area. Taking into account that these plants need marshy places other plants do not grow well, this is usually not a problem once they are established occupy a wetland.
  • If this plant invades your garden, solve the drainage problems, ventilate the garden and do not over-water. This plant is sometimes confused with Lesser celandine, a non-native invasive species. Dig a large area Plant it 10-12cm deep to remove it and the rhizome roots.

Yellow Marigold Overgrowth

How long do yellow marsh marigolds bloom?

Marigolds The yellows of marsh typically flourish in swamps for Concerning Month.

What do yellow marsh marigold flowers look and smell like?

The flowers are showy, bright yellow or sometimes white they are 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches wide and come in groups. They have 5 to 9 petals. Sepals with rich waxy green foliage. Each leaf is heart-shaped Kidney-shaped or rounded with two lobes. The flowers are not detectable. Fragrance.

How to encourage more flowers?

The best way to encourage marsh marigold yellow colour to move forward the flower serves to protect the plant from excessive heat and to provide shade. The intense sun. Also remove spent flowers to encourage more flowering.
